Passportia – British Citizenship Specialists

We help people to acquire or prove and apply for British Citizenship and obtain a British Passport, often through an ancestral or residential link with the UK or British colonial territory.

Our system is more economical for our clients in both time and money than other immigration consultants, providing a seamless process for our clients.  Why would you wait months for your report when we can do it in days?

You may be eligible for British nationality if you were:

We help people that are eligible for Registration:

If you have Right of Abode we can find out if you are eligible to become a British citizen.

If you have renounced your British citizenship, we advise on your resumption of British nationality options.

Also, recent changes to the law have created many more opportunities for children to acquire British citizenship through a father or mother, including adopted children and children of unmarried parents. There are hundreds of ways to potentially qualify through a parent or grandparent or colonial connection. Each situation has to be assessed individually.

In a nutshell:

  1. British Nationals can claim a British Passport and enjoy many benefits including, in many cases, the right to live and work in the UK.
  2. You could have British Nationality from birth even if you have never been to the UK, or never held a British passport.
  3. In order to use your British Nationality, it would first need to be recognised by the UK government.
  4. Your claim could be standard or complex. We specialise in helping people who potentially have a complex claim for British Nationality.

We can assess your eligibility for UK citizenship and help you apply for a British passport...

Some Examples of People who may qualify for British Citizenship

Examples include a person who was:

  • born to or adopted by a parent who was born, adopted or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born to a parent who was born after 1948 and that parent’s father was born, adopted or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born after 1948 to parents who married before 1949 and your father’s father was born or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born between 1949 and 1982 in a territory under British jurisdiction and your grandfather was born or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born between 1949 and 1982 and your parent was born in a territory under British jurisdiction, and that parent’s father was born or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born to a parent who was registered as a British citizen or citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies
  • born, resident or naturalised in a British territory before it became independent and either
    • your parent or grandparent was born or naturalised in the UK or another British territory
    • your parents were born outside the independent country
    • your parents did not marry each other before independence
    • you failed to acquire citizenship of the independent country
  • born before 1983 to a parent in the category above
South Africa Flag Zimbabwe Flag Zambia Flag Swaziland Flag Namibia Flag Mozambique Flag Malawi Flag Lesotho Flag

Examples in Southern Africa include a person:

  • born, adopted, registered, naturalised or resident in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) or Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) or Nyasaland (Malawi) before independence
  • born in South Africa between 31 May 1962 and 1982, with a grandfather born, adopted or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born in South West Africa (now Namibia) before 31 May 1962 with a grandfather born, adopted or naturalised in the UK or a British territory
  • born before 1983 to a parent in a category listed above
  • naturalised in South Africa before 1949 and who emigrated before 2 September 1949.
  • (a woman) born or naturalised in South Africa before 1949 and who married before 2 September 1949 a man born outside South Africa

Examples of British nationals born outside the UK

Below is a list of situations that we commonly encounter and which in many cases lead to the person successfully proving or obtaining a British Passport.

Descendent of someone born in the UK or an existing British overseas territory:

A person with a parent or grandfather born or adopted in the UK or an existing British overseas territory. Many such people live in Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Descendent of someone born or resident in a former UK territory:

A person or their father or paternal grandfather who was born or resident in a former colony, protectorate, mandated or trust territory of the UK.  Many such people now live or once lived in these countries:


Countries that were British colonies in the Caribbean or West Indies.

Middle East:

The southern area of Yemen – Aden and the former Aden protectorate.

West Africa:

  • Ghana (formerly Gold Coast)
  • Nigeria
  • Sierra Leone
  • The Gambia

East Africa:

  • Kenya
  • Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar)
  • Uganda

Southern Africa:

  • Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland)
  • Lesotho (formerly Basutoland)
  • Malawi (formerly Nyasaland)
  • Namibia (formerly South West Africa)
  • South Africa
  • Swaziland
  • The former Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
  • Zimbabwe (formerly Southern Rhodesia)
  • Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia)

South Asia:

  • Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)
  • Myanmar (Burma)
  • Malaysia (formerly Malaya, the Straits Settlements, Sarawak and Sabah (Borneo), Dindings, Province Wellesley)


How Passportia Works

Our most popular service is a comprehensive evaluation and report, prepared with the help of AI. Here, we ask you as our client, to provide details of your ancestry and residence for us to determine your eligibility. The report is usually ready within 10 working days.

We will email the report to you, plus a proposal and quotation should the evaluation yield a positive outcome. Our aim is to make the application as simple as possible for you. You would be working closely with our dedicated British caseworkers to ensure the success of the application. 

As part of our representation, you will be issued with a personalised document checklist, and we will guide you through your application process. Following the decision by the relevant government department, you would receive your citizenship certificate and/or passport.

Our services are of an excellent standard and we have a very high satisfaction rating from past customers (see our Google reviews). Our work is normally done to a fixed price quotation. 

To find out if you qualify for British nationality, please complete the form below!


  • A UK immigration & citizenship law specialist
  • Powered by AORA technology
  • Fast, flexible, precise


Immigration Adviser

My case was dealt from start to finish in a very professional manner, I would definitely share my experience to all my friends and family.  The service given to me was very professional.

K.V. - London, UK