Northern Rhodesia was a British protectorate before 24 October 1964, when it became independent as the Republic of Zambia. From 1 August 1953 to 31 December 1963, it was part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, a self-governing loose federation of Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
From the 1930s many South Africans migrated to Northern Rhodesia, mainly to work on the mines in the Copperbelt region, in the towns of Luanshya, Ndola, Kitwe, Nkana, Mufulira, Chingola and Bancroft (now Chililabombwe), and to a lesser extent the towns of Lusaka, Livingstone and Broken Hill (now Kabwe). In addition, after WW2 many people from Britain and India came to Northern Rhodesia to work in mining, commerce or for the civil service. In the 1960s and 1970s, many of these families moved to South Africa or Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
A person born in Northern Rhodesia became at birth a British protected person. From 16 July 1914 local naturalisation for was possible for aliens (non-British subjects), such as immigrants from Greece and Poland. From 1949 a resident of Northern Rhodesia could become a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by registration or naturalisation. For a citizen of a Commonwealth country, such as South Africa, India, Pakistan or Australia, only 12 months residence was required.
Over the period from 1 March 1958 to 31 December 1963, citizenship of Rhodesia and Nyasaland replaced citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies in Northern Rhodesia. A resident of Northern Rhodesia could become a citizen of the Federation by registration or naturalisation. For a citizen of a Commonwealth country, only two years of residence was required.
In addition, a citizen of a Commonwealth country whose name was on the Northern Rhodesia voters' roll on 1 March 1958 automatically became a citizen of the Federation on that date. A person aged under 21 years whose father was such a voter also became a citizen of the Federation on that date.
During the era of Federal citizenship, the government of the Federation issued British passports to Federal citizens and British protected persons resident in the Federation. Previously and subsequently, the government of Northern Rhodesia issued British passports to citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies and British protected persons resident in the territory.
The Federation ended at midnight 31 December 1963. Some Federal citizens automatically became citizens of Southern Rhodesia on 1 January 1964 under rules that are complex. The remainder automatically became citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies, if they were not already such a citizen.
At the independence of Zambia on 24 October 1964, a citizen the United Kingdom and Colonies who became a citizen of Zambia lost that citizenship unless he or she had a connection with the UK or a continuing British territory.
So, in some cases, a Federal citizen became on 1 January 1983 British citizen or British Overseas citizen, or can today become a British citizen by registration via a mother. The rules are complex, and each case must be examined on its merits. Passportia can find out and has handled many such claims successfully.
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- Supporting multiple countries
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